History Podcasts

Did you know how many FREE podcasts there are that can teach you more history? I started to dive into history podcasts and they are blowing my mind! I wish I had known about all of these when I was teaching middle school history.

First, do you have a good podcast app? If you have an iPhone, the Apple Podcasts app will be perfect. For Android, look into Stitcher or Google Podcasts in the Google Play store.

The Best Podcasts for History Teachers and Students:
1. You are supposed to save the best for last right? Well, I'm not doing that. If you are a history teacher, I highly recommend checking out American Elections: Wicked Game. The political climate has never been so bad- or has it? This podcast is doing an episode about each Presidental election in America and releasing them weekly and is counting down to the 2020 election. Using a mix of narrative and reenactment, the podcast tells each story in an engaging way.
Would be great for teachers or students. 

2. This podcast visits some of the little known battles and stories and tells a historical tale you've probably never heard before! Ridiculous History takes you on a journey and makes you realize you may have a lot more to learn on common topics. Before assigning any particular episode, make sure to screen it as some episodes are better for students than others.
Would be great for teachers and some episodes for students.

3. If you weren't alive for Watergate (like me), hearing season 1 of Slow Burn was an eye-opening experience. The interviews and audio recordings brought the story off of the pages of my books and made me feel like I was experiencing it myself. Season 2 covers the impeachment of Bill Clinton, which I lived through, but I was so young I didn't hear much of what happened. If you want to know more about either one of those infamous stories, Slow Burn is a must-listen.
Would be great for teachers but mature content may not be suitable for students.

4. While I have probably heard the least amount of episodes of Revisionist History, their hard-hitting presentations have probably stuck with me the longest. An episode specifically about the fall of Brian Williams has totally changed how I think about memory issues! Their podcast would be excellent for a history buff.
Would be great for teachers and some episodes for students.

Do you have a favorite history podcast I didn't mention? I'd love to hear about it- tell me more in the comments!

Are you are a history teacher? Have your students seen some of the greatest speeches of history? They can! Check out my Famous Speeches of History Lesson 1, Lesson 2, JFK's famous speeches, or my Black History Month speeches. Your students will be able to evaluate and reflect on their historical words in an impactful way!

Thank you to the ScribbleGarden for the headphones clip art!
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