My name is Sarah, and I teach students to do the very thing most people fear over death: Public Speaking. And I love it.
Public Speaking is one of my favorite things to teach. I
have a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pedagogy and a few years of classroom
experience! Your students can gain confidence, acquire a new
skill, and have fun doing it!
I always laugh at the beginning of the school year when I
hear students whispering outside my classroom door, “I don’t want to take
Speech class! I can’t get up there!” At the end of the year, I have the
students write some reflections about the class. Their opinions range
everywhere from, “it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be!” (yeah,
yeah kid) to “I loved Speech! I wish I could take it again!” Public Speaking
CAN be fun!
I hope you'll follow my journey as I share ideas, experiences, opinions, etc.
Please check out my TeachersPayTeachers store for more fun ideas and activities!
Please check out my TeachersPayTeachers store for more fun ideas and activities!