Public Speaking is one of my favorite things to teach. I
have a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pedagogy and a few years of classroom
experience! Your students can gain confidence, acquire a new
skill, and have fun doing it!
I always laugh at the beginning of the school year when I
hear students whispering outside my classroom door, “I don’t want to take
Speech class! I can’t get up there!” At the end of the year, I have the
students write some reflections about the class. Their opinions range
everywhere from, “it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be!” (yeah,
yeah kid) to “I loved Speech! I wish I could take it again!” Public Speaking
CAN be fun!
I hope you'll follow my journey as I share ideas, experiences, opinions, etc.
Please check out my TeachersPayTeachers store for more fun ideas and activities!
Please check out my TeachersPayTeachers store for more fun ideas and activities!
Thank you for this wonderful resource for black history month! So many amazing ideas here!