Keeping Students Engaged in June

You can see it coming. The end-of-the-year glaze over your student's eyes is hard to break through.

They're dreaming of summer. (And honestly, so are you!) But you would do anything to just keep their attention long enough to get through the last few lessons.

Are we professionals? Absolutely. Are we above bribery? Absolutely not.

I used to keep a bag of Dove Chocolates in my cabinet for the last month of school. (I claimed they were just for the kids... but they made a great planning hour snack!) Sometimes I kept fancy pencils or stickers or colorful pens on hand. Some small little prizes can bring your classroom's attention back!

Here's a great game you can play to keep your students attention through an end-of-the-year lesson. Tell your kids you have a few buzzwords for the day that you write on the board. (Think of words that won't slip out accidentally, like "congressional, butterfly, minion," etc.) Write them into your lecture so they are sprinkled throughout. Whenever the students hear one of the buzzwords, they have to be the first to yell out "buzzword!" or whatever word you pick and they get a prize/piece of candy/pencil, etc.

Help keep their minds engaged and ears perked up with this fun little buzzword game!

Hang in there, teachers! Summer is so close!

Need more End of the Year game ideas? Check out my activity!


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